Hi! I’m Nathan, the owner of Grow the Mind. I’m excited to work with you!

Your role will be focused on designing the layout and content for our flashcards, each representing a unique mental model or framework. These designs, ultimately will go through some user testing, to ensure that the concepts make sense & the visualizations are intuitive, and then will be sent to a manufacturing company who will print the cards & box and ship them, by the hundred, to the US for sale around the world.

Your role as the designer will be to generate the graphics for explaining the framework/mental model. These graphics will be printed on the flashcards, as well as used for the boxes, marketing, and to generate other social media, website, or other materials for the brand and product. The below message is the description of your test tasks.

To propose a contract for this job, please create a test graphic for any mental model or framework that is mentioned on the GrowTheMind.ai website or on the blog. Once complete, please submit your application :


Sample Task Resources:

Example illustrations on this product: https://unstuckbox.com/

Concept visualization examples of other mental models: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2020/06/08/best-mental-models/


Pink: #FF5757

Blue: #5271FF

Yellow: #FFBD59